Frequently Asked Questions
This is important information! Please read carefully if you are planning to book a microblading appointment.
You ABSOLUTELY CANNOT receive microblading if you have:
Not yet reached 18 years of age
Bleeding disorders
Active psoriasis on or around face
Undergoing cancer treatment
Active inflammatory condition (temporary or chronic) on treatment site
Chronic keloid scarring
Chronic staph infections
Anyone undergoing Botox Skin Treatments must wait 2 weeks between Botox and Microblading Appointments.
You MUST WAIT one full year OR provide doctor’s consent if you have had:
Blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, face lift, eye surgery
Acutane usage
Under doctor’s care
Heart condition
In remission from cancer
Serious health condition
Those taking prescription blood thinners must be cleared to stop usage 48 hours prior to treatment.
Persons with the following conditions are not ideal candidates but can receive microblading with acknowledgement that results may have complications in healing, results may not last as long, and/or results may become distorted if conditions are chronic and ongoing:
Auto-immune disorders
Heavy oil production/ hyper sebaceous glands
Heavy smokers
Thyroid conditions
Microblading is a semi-permanent tattoo technique used to create the illusion of fuller brows. Instead of using a tattoo machine, the artist uses a little handheld tool to manually draw hair strokes.
Maybe you will find yourself in this list:
1) Mommies: too busy and exhausted to do any makeup but want to stay pretty. Eyebrows also help giving angry looks to the kids when misbehaving (unofficial reason to do microblading).
2) Divas: love doing makeup and spend too much time on it, use microblading to save decent 15-30 min on “brow work” every morning, still take like 2 hours to get ready though.
3) Career girls: don’t wear much makeup and not sure how to use it properly.
4) Perfectionists: everything needs to be clean and perfect, so do their brows.
5) Active lifestyle lovers: need sweat-proof/waterproof brows to take proper gym mirror selfies or sexy pool photos
Which one is you?!
There are a few things to keep in mind before your microblading session:
- Make sure you don’t take any antibiotics
- Make sure you don’t take any blood thinners (e.g. pain killers or alcohol)
- Don’t wax right before the procedure so your skin is not irritated
- No caffeine 24 hour prior to the appointment (coffee, strong tea, red bull, coke, etc.)
- Relax! there are only 4 prep steps!
During the first 5-14 days (usually about 1 week) after the treatment you should try to keep your brows dry.
What I put in your “Aftercare Kit”:
-Distilled water (to apply 2-3 times within the first 24 hours)
– Moisturizing Ointment (only use if skin feels too dry)
What happens to the brows:
1) On day 2-5 the skin starts scabbing, the color may become dark and patchy
2) After the scabs flake off the color becomes very light – no panicking
3)The color comes back and sets in by week 3-4
Micro-pigmentation is a treatment which final result requires 2 (in rare cases 3) visits as the pigment setting in depends on skin and immune system features. Little gaps and defects are possible and normal after the 1st visit.
YES, you will need a touch-up! Here is why:
Because we work in the very top layers of your skin, it’s easy for your body to push some pigment out. Oily skin, fast metabolism, strong immune system, and poor aftercare are all factors that can affect pigment retention.
You let your skin fully recover after the initial session and return 4-8 weeks later to complete the process. This second session is called the “touch-up“.
The touch-up may only require adding a few lines, but may take just as long as the initial session if we need to go over the entire brow.
If in the rare case the skin still resists to retain pigment, we sometimes need one extra touch-up.
If the touch-up must be done late, additional fees may apply.
Microblading is semi-permanent. This technique is not as deep as classic tattooing so the pigments fade off within a couple years. It’s up to you whether you want to refresh it in 8-14 months or wait until it fades off completely
Usually not. We apply numbing cream on the eyebrow area, however, if you are more sensitive you may feel some discomfort. Past clients have told us it felt like tweezing. Some clients even fall asleep during the procedure! Everyone has a different threshold for discomfort. If you are extra-sensitive, just ask your artist to leave the topical numbing cream on the skin a little longer.
Absolutely not! It’s normal that after the 1st session the result may be not ideal, do not get upset and do not run to another artist right away! You should come back to your artist who already knows your skin type and thickness, and has your pigment mixture formula written down (yes, we keep them on file!). After seeing how the work has healed, they can see what else your skin requires in order to get the best retention and to heal into a proper color.
For the best results, follow these steps after your brow Tint and/or lamination appointment:
Avoid getting the brow area wet for 24 hours
Avoiding excessive rubbing or touching of the treated area for 24 hours
Avoid direct UV exposure (tanning beds, direct sunlight), saunas, steam rooms and swimming pools for the next 48 hours
A deposit is required to prevent no-shows and protect the salary of our artists. The deposit is credited towards the procedure fees on the day of your service.
Schedule changes damage our artists’ ability to fill their short-term schedule and get paid for their work. Please be considerate when rescheduling.
A minimum 48 hour notice is required to reschedule your appointment. Cancelling/rescheduling within 48 hours of your appointment will forfeit the entire deposit.
A 13% service charge will be taken from the deposit in the case of a cancellation outside of 48 hours. This pays for the processing fees for payment collection and refund.
You can reschedule your appointment up to two times using the “Change/Cancel Appointment” button on your appointment confirmation email after booking. If an appointment is changed twice, then cancelled, the deposit cannot be refunded.
- Cold Sore Prevention (if applicable): If you are prone to cold sores, please start taking medication 2 days before and 3 days after the session as a precaution.
- Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, Blood thinners (e.g. pain killers) 24h prior: this is to avoid bleeding and swelling during the session.
- Moisturize: Keep your lips hydrated in the days leading up to the appointment. Use a good lip balm or a hydrating mask, especially if your lips are prone to dryness or cracking.